
Communication Archive

Below is an archive of all the e-mails that have been sent regarding New Hope Christian School. They are sorted with the most recently sent e-mail at the top of the page.

September 10th, 2020

Hey All!


Here's a link to tonight's video and the FlipGrid assignment! The join code is 00e0f077, if that's easier, and everyone's ID is the same as yesterday. Don't forget, the FlipGrid assignment closes at 11:59 pm tomorrow (Friday) night!


I apologize for not having a ZOOM meeting this evening, but I just got home a short while ago from finishing cleaning out the building in St. Albans.


Tomorrow's chapel livestream is planned for 6:00 pm, and I'll let you know if that time changes. The stream will be recorded in case someone can't log on, as the assignment will focus on the chapel service.

September 9th, 2020

Hey Guys!


Here's a link to today's short video (It's still uploading, so give it a minute) and a link to today's FlipGrid assignment! The FlipGrid join code, if that's easier, is 61cca1ab and everyone's ID is the same as yesterday.

Again, the FlipGrid assignment closes at 11:59 tomorrow (Thursday) night, so be sure to get it completed by then!


Last, but definitely not least, I have a chapel speaker lined up for Friday. Would you all like to have it live-streamed in the morning, evening, or would a pre-recorded option be better? (It will be recorded either way, in case someone isn't able to be present, as Friday's assignment will likely be based off of it.)


As always, let me know if you have any problems or questions!

September 8th, 2020

Hello Parents and Students,


Thank you for attending this evening's ZOOM meeting. As I mentioned on the call, we're all learning this technology together, so please be patient as we get going this year!


If you weren't able to make it, a recording of this evening's call can be found by visiting the unlisted NHCS Zoom Meeting playlist on YouTube ( No-one except those who have the link above are able to view the videos.


Don't forget to post your FlipGrid response before 11:59 pm Wednesday night, especially if you didn't make it to the ZOOM meeting, as that is how attendance is counted!


Tomorrow evening, we will not have a ZOOM meeting due to church services. I encourage you to attend church or view a livestream of your choice if you choose to stay home. In place of the meeting, I plan to record a short video, a link to which will be e-mailed to you, along with another short assignment to be completed by 11:59 pm on Thursday night.


Please let me know if you have any questions and I'll do my best to address them in tomorrow's video - if you get them to me before I record. If not, I'll respond by e-mail tomorrow night.


Hello Parents and Students!


Another app we'll be using is called FlipGrid! You can use this app on your computer by going to or by downloading the FlipGrid app on your Android or iOs device.


FlipGrid allows your teachers to create short posts and assignments where you then can post a short video response (up to 1 minute and 30 seconds long), see your classmate's responses, and comment on them. The first assignment has already been posted and is due by 11:59 pm tomorrow night (Wednesday, September 9th).


You can view this first FlipGrid by going to or opening the app and then clicking "Enter a Join Code". Once prompted, enter the code c096fcea (this will change for each assignment and will be provided via e-mail). It will then ask for your student ID. Each student has been assigned an individual ID and yours is:


Bawi - lianbawi

Biak - lianbiak


Once you enter your ID and click "Go", you'll be taken to a page where you can read the assignment/discussion topic, and then choose to record your response. Today's prompt is, "Record a response with your name, what grade you're in, and tell us about your hobby, or something that you enjoy doing!".


Don't panic if you're not used to videoing yourself, just take a deep breath and go for it! I'll be recording my response to the topic as soon as I get everyone's e-mail sent out, so be sure to check it out to see an example of what we're looking for!


Again, let me know if you have any issues, and I'll see you in the ZOOM call here in just a little while!


Parents, FlipGrid is secure as long as you do not share the join code or your student's ID with anyone else. Only those in our group and with the correct student IDs will be able to view the assignments or video responses posted!

September 7th, 2020

Hey Parents and Students,


Just wanted to send out a quick update about ZOOM. If you create an account, it will ask you "Are you signing up on behalf of a school?". Be sure to select "No" before clicking "Continue". The school option is for large schools which have an e-mail system (like a college or university) and will not allow you to sign up with personal e-mails. Once you select no and click continue, you should be able to continue signing up using your personal e-mail!


Hello Parents and Students!


As we know, virtual learning this year will be a requirement, even if we are able to find a facility to hold classes, so it's time to get prepared to use the new software and websites that we'll be utilizing this year!


The first software/app that we'll be using will be Zoom! This video conferencing software is also in use by public schools and businesses around the country and will allow us to participate in group sessions together, as well as schedule one-on-one sessions to score PACEs and monitor testing. This free software can be downloaded from on computers or via the Apple App store or Google Play Store on mobile devices. You do not have to create an account to join a Zoom session, but it will be easier for students to connect and be recognized in the long run.


Our first scheduled Zoom meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, September 8th at 6:00 pm. Further Zoom meetings will be conducted during "school hours", but I wanted to be sure that -at least for the first couple meetings- parents will be able to be involved as well - especially those who normally work during the school day.


To join the meeting, click on this link:


If needed, below are the Meeting ID and Passcode:
Meeting ID:


Once you join the meeting, you will be placed in the "waiting room" until a staff member accepts you into the meeting. Attending the Zoom meeting for a day counts as your student's attendance, so please be sure to take part! If for some reason you are not able to attend a Zoom meeting, please let us know ASAP. Sessions will be recorded for those who are not able to attend, but missing multiple sessions will be reflected on your student's record.


Some Zoom Etiquette:
1.) Mute Your Microphone
Your microphone will be muted when you join the meeting. This is to keep background noise to a minimum, and to make sure that everyone can hear what the presenter is saying. If you have a question, there is a "Raise Hand" option in the app/software. Please click on it, and wait for the presenter to recognize you before unmuting your microphone.
2.) Have Materials Ready
Be ready for your meeting by making sure that you have anything you may need during the meeting. Grab a pencil or pen and paper, if you think you might like to take notes, and grab a bottle of water and have it nearby. Be sure to go to the bathroom before the meeting starts too, that way you won't miss out on anything.
3.) Stay in One Spot
Try to find a nice quiet location in your home or wherever you are taking part and stay put. The more movement there is, the more distracting it is to everyone else.
4.) Don't Use a Fun Background
There are a lot of fun features in Zoom, including backgrounds and other fun widgets, but please don't use them unless a teacher tells you to.
5.) Be On Time
If class begins at a certain time, be sure to try logging in a few minutes early to ensure that everything is ready to go. You'll be placed in a waiting room until the meeting actually starts, but you'll show as connected to the host.
6.) Be Presentable
While we understand class is taking place in your home, take a few minutes to make yourself presentable. Brush your hair and teeth and change out of your pajamas (you don't have to overdo it, casual dress is fine as long as it is modest).
7.) Be Respectful
Different teachers may have different rules for their Zoom calls in regards to talking, eating, or drinking. Again, while you are at home and not in a classroom, some things can be a distraction to others taking part in the call.


As mentioned earlier, our first ZOOM Meeting will be tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6:00 pm! I encourage parents to log on with your student(s) so that you can see the format we'll be using and get more information on how this week will go!


Look for a second e-mail in the near future with information about the second app we'll be using, which is called FlipGrid!

September 3rd, 2020

This is one of those e-mails where I say I have some good news and some bad news.
The good news, we’re still planning on having school.
The bad news, it will not be at Highlawn Baptist Church in St. Albans, at least not for the moment.
Yesterday, at the request of a church member, several people from the Fire Marshal’s office came and walked through the building. During their walk-through, they found multiple issues, not only with the church side of the building, but also with the school that will require major renovations to rectify – including the installation of a full sprinkler system on the school side, even though we were told before that it was not necessary. We would be able to have school in the gymnasium above the current “school”, but there is no air conditioning and I wouldn’t want to try to learn in that environment.
This new decision has placed us in the position of having to find an entirely new location for the time being, if not permanently.
In addition to that Kanawha County has been “orange” for the past week. If Kanawha is still “orange” this Saturday night at 9 pm, there will be no in-school instruction beginning September 8th. If it stays “orange” or goes to “red” by the following Saturday, the next week is out as well, and so on.
So how does this affect you?
1.) We are planning to shift to virtual schooling while we continue to look for a new location. We have a possible option, but even then it will likely be several weeks or a month before we could move in due to paperwork and other concerns.
2.) Tuition is likely going to change. I haven’t sat down and crunched the numbers yet, but based on what we have received from parents thus far, tuition for students who have paid is covered until the invoice for October is sent out – which will be a reduced amount if we are still schooling virtually.
3.) I’ve already got an order in for PACEs for K5-12th grades and we plan on providing instruction as necessary for those grades. The virtual instruction will be available for students who need help working on problems, as well as parents who have questions about PACEs. This will follow our earlier plan of the teachers being available via ZOOM or some other platform during school hours.
Our hope is to also find a location where we can at the very least make appointments with parents and their students who wish to come in and score PACEs or test “in-person”, as well as seek tutoring or additional help.
Lastly, if you feel the need to withdraw your student(s) to enroll elsewhere, we completely understand. All money you have paid will be refunded to you as soon as we are possibly able (PACEs will need to be returned to provide a full refund). Please note that you will either need to file an NOI to homeschool your student or enroll them in another school as soon as possible so that they are not counted truant by Kanawha County Schools.
Please take a day and think about and pray about your decision. We’re still dedicated to providing the same level of education that we pledged, it just may look a little different for a while.
If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to e-mail me or call me directly (304-545-2199), and I will keep you updated as I learn more (which seems to be happening on an hourly basis these days). I would appreciate your prayers as we continue to strive to do what God has called us to do!
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